KGC Newsletter #2

Golf + A little more

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Newsletter: #2

Here are some of the things I would like to share:

Tiger Woods did a Golf Digest series, he talks about every aspect of his game broken into different episodes, his short game video is by far my favorite, he is simply a master around the green and now we get to see how he does it.

New Year, New Goal?: 

If you are really looking forward to lowering your score, your course management needs to be a big part of your preparation, the hard part is that since a lot of our practice is done at the driving range most golfers don't know how to practice efficiently or how to take it to the course. DECADE Golf is a proven strategy system to help you make smarter decisions and shoot lower scores, the interesting thing about this system is that a lot of PGA and LPGA tour players are using it and getting amazing results. If you sign-up the first month is free, you get a lot of good videos on that month, you can cancel after if you don't find it helpful. (I have no affiliation to his program).

How close are you supposed to hit it to the flag?:

We always think we are supposed to hit it closer than we really should. One of the reasons we think this is because when we watch golf on TV they are usually showing the best of the best and for some reason we tend to compare ourself to those players, nothing wrong with wanting to get better, but I think it's time we learn how close they actually hit it to the pin.

How close do the pros hit it?

Decade Golf

I find this one very interesting and eye opening for me:

From 100 yds, they hit the green 83% of the time, when they hit the green their average proximity is 15 ft (About 5 big steps away from the flag). 

I always believed I needed to hit it closer and give myself an easy putt for birdie or par.


Golf Stat

Lou Stagner Twitter

That's all for now. Have a great week!