KGC Newsletter #1

Golf + A little more

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December Newsletter: #1 

What's the goal of this monthly (hoping to make it more often) Newsletter? I'm constantly consuming and learning new things golf related, since sharing is caring I want to share with all of you whatever I have consumed that month that I feel will bring a little extra value to your game.

First thing I would like to share is a podcast I've listened to multiple times this week. (Yes, the same episode).

My #1 takeaway: It's very hard to be accurate when your eyes are not on the target constantly (not only true with putting but in all aspects of the game of golf). We have to do a better job at HOLDING the target in our mind (visualizing) while we look at the ball.... Nothing new there but I definitely liked the way he explained it...

Have a listen and let me know what you think!

How do we track the direction our game is moving? We can look at videos of your "old swing vs new swing", get the latest technology (clubs, balls) and probably much more. As a player I can tell you that keeping track of your stats on the course and learning your strength and weaknesses is the best way to do it. Right now this is the only app I am using for my own game and recommending it to my students. It gives you 5 free rounds, has plenty of videos to help you understand the numbers and how to track it. BE PATIENT on your first tries. Feel free to add my email [email protected] and we can talk about the results.

  • I have no affiliation to this app, I just really like it.

Youtube probably has MILLIONS of videos about golf instruction... so why not add a couple more! My friend Stuart @smgolf and I have been teaching side by side for a while and is the only other instructor that I know personally (I know there are more) that still loves playing the game. We decided to start making our own content. If you haven't seen it, please check it out, any comment and feedback is greatly appreciate it.